Signs/Significance: Fill in the Picture at L3

Function and Name

Sign is the 3rd Level element  in the Primary Hierarchy of Communication, above Signal and Stimulus.

Sign is the THEE-name for: «things that are used to signify (i.e. indicate or suggest) something else within the same domain of discourse.». To get fix on this element, focus on its effect: significance.

The receiver may view certain things as significant (i.e. as signifying something in the same manner.

ClosedChoice of Formal Name


  • The sender of a sign-L3 must provide, possibly non-verbally or via a known context, an indication of the relevant topic (or domain) where significance is to be recognized. Otherwise, its meaning cannot be properly understood by the intended recipient.
  • The recipient must notice the sign-L3, and value it as a significant pointer to something else within the indicated topic. The recipient needs sufficient knowledge and reasonable judgement. If those conditions apply, the phenomenon then signifies something, and an appropriate response may be made.

e.g. you show your doctor a rash. This rash signifies-L3 that something is wrong both to you and to the doctor. It starts a process of diagnosis in the mind of the doctor using his expertise, experience, and knowledge about you and your activities. You will have your own thoughts as well.
Medical Note:Closed Doctors use the word «sign» differently—to refer to what is elicited as distinct from the symptom that is presented—but that does not matter here.

Errors & Failure

All the errors that apply for Stimulating-L1 and Signaling-L2 also apply to Signifying-L3.

Problems can be specific to this level. The sender may not know that the recipient lacks requisite knowledge or is unwilling to use that knowledge. The recipient may also make mistakes: in judging, or through insufficient knowledge, or by misattribution of the sign to another field of discourse that is irrelevant.

Originally posted: 10-Apr-2011; Last updated 25-Sep-2011.